Peer Review: Editing and Almost Done!


Welcome back, Cambridge, to the final blog before you can see the actual project. The only thing we have left is to edit the changes suggested by our peer, and then we will have a finished movie. The first thing we had to do was to make the text more visible. This was more difficult than expected because the backgrounds that the credits were on changed a lot. This meant that we couldn't simply make it one color because basically any color we chose to stick out in one scene would blend in at another scene. We also wanted to make sure the credits were uniform to appear more professional, and as to not shock the viewer with different text colors. Its also a bad idea to change something like that without a narrative reason, and we didn't have any reason to change the colors other than needing the text to stand out. We decided to have the text that appears with a paper background be black with a black outline, and the rest of the text to be white with a red background. I think its ok to have the text be different here because the ones on paper are at a calmer time in the movie while the rest are at a more frantic point, so the white and red fits better here. I also like how the font almost looks like it is bleeding, especially with the white and red background.

    We then tried adding in the extra voices that we had recorded while reshooting. The only problem was that we would have to choose between one of the other recorded parts and this part, because there was not enough time in the video to have them both. Otherwise, we would have to cut into the build up to the scream, which I liked better when there were no other sounds. We figured it would probably be better to have the intrusive thoughts right before the gibberish, since this would show the descent into madness better. However, this would mean we would have to cut out one of the other lines that builds up the descent. We couldn't cut out the first one, since this is a normal seeming conversation that makes you not really care about the things being said until they get really weird. We tried to cut out the second one, but it really didn't make as much sense with the intrusive thoughts. We then decided to try replacing the gibberish with the intrusive thoughts, but this didn't work out much better either. I think that it was just to confusing to have the voices having conversations except for one part when they suddenly become her thoughts. So, we decided to not have her intrusive thoughts included.

    The next thing was to see if we could change the music so that the part where the music cuts out and only the voices can be heard is a bit different. However, I felt that the voices directly leading into the build up for the scream in the music was a good transition and made the movie run much smoother, and my groupmates agreed. So, we decided to not change this part of the video. So, we have now finished our movie!
