Production Blog: Editing the video
Hello Cambridge people! Today we started doing the editing. We first needed to move the videos we took on a phone onto a computer. Unfortunately we had trouble transferring them because the Wi-Fi was acting up. We also thought that the file we were trying to airdrop was too large, as we put all of the videos on one file. We kept trying to upload it but it still wouldn't work. Finally, we put it into smaller files and were able to successfully upload the videos and were able to start editing. The next order of business was to choose the takes we wanted to keep. We were able to agree on most of the videos, but there were a couple we couldn't decide on. Specifically, we couldn't decide on the video we wanted to use for the cereal scene. Samantha wanted to use one where she didn't slam her head into the bowl, but I felt that these were a bit too fake looking. She clearly slows down before her head hits the bowl so that she didn't hurt her head. While this is fine for her health, it doesn't really look good for looking depressed. Finally, she relented and we were able to continue.
Once we had added all of the videos, we had around 50 seconds of video, without any of the inserts or the actual video of us playing. We then started cutting down the ending bits of the videos where we stopped acting but hadn't stopped recording. After this, we had around 45 seconds, with still the inserts and the music parts to add. We then started editing down the music to fit the video better, because the chorus doesn't even start until 1:15 into the song, which is not good for the music video. We had recorded parts with the chorus and the bridge in mind, so we would need to make sever edits to make the song fit with the video. However, at this point I had to go home because my mom had arrived. So, I can't wait to finish the editing later!
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